Original 1928 Amelia Earhart celebrity poster promoting LUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes…
Hi Everyone! How ‘bout this? An AUTHENTIC 1928 poster of Amelia M. Earhart (notice the middle initial!). I bought it at an antique store in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, about 8 years ago. It was part of the estate of a woman who was a prominent antique collector, and was also a big Amelia fan. Boy, did I luck out! Amelia Earhart was a NON-SMOKER who endorsed Lucky Strike Cigarettes to finance her expensive flights & to pay for repairs to her plane. Back then, this poster was a real novelty. Amelia was easily one of the 1st celebrity endorsers in history! I’ve seen copies of this poster displayed on the internet, but my picture is, without a doubt, one of the CLEANEST examples in existence. Hard to believe it’s nearly 100 years old! One last thing…Lucky Strike was trying to win over WOMEN to the “joys” of smoking by the 1920’s. Notice the slogan, “For a slender figure—reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet.” Also, notice the spelling of the word, “aeroplane.” This picture of Amelia is currently hanging in my living room, where it should be. Next up…my ultra RARE authentic Marilyn Monroe poster from 1951…you’ll LOVE this one! P.S. Trolling antique shops keeps me off the streets & out of trouble! See ya! Joanne