Meet RUPERT the RAT….Named After Everyone’s Favorite Media Mogul!
Hi Friends, Fans & Foibles! Joanne here again. I just wrapped up my “Pen & Ink Illustration” class at MIAD/ The Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design, so I’m back to drawing my little cartoons, like this one of Rupert the Rat, named after my favorite billionaire media mogul (I’ll let you guess who he is). Question: Are you getting all geared up for the holidays? Even if you aren’t, you gotta admit, when you live in a snowy, freezing, icebox of a state like Wisconsin in the winter, ANY distraction is a GOOD distraction, right? (Except maybe drinking too much!) Brrrrrrr…👍👍👍👍 Looking forward to 2023 (kinda). Just a few weeks ago, I had a SUPER enjoyable time attending the Milwaukee Radio Reunion group’s luncheon at Saz’s. I can’t begin to tell you how much FUN it was seeing so many of my former DJ co-workers from all of the Milwaukee stations I have worked at…WZUU-FM, WMIL-FM 106, LIGHT
97 FM & B-93.3 FM…Hell, I even got to talk to some of the folks I used to LISTEN to on the air, but NEVER got to meet before this party! Now THAT was WILD! I recognized them solely by their DJ VOICES…I felt like such a total FAN! 👍👍👍👍 We are all hoping to meet again this coming June, so until then, let’s drink a toast to all of those bygone days of RADIO! 👍👍👍 To you wonderful folks reading this, BEST WISHES for the new year from ME & my chunky black cat, PHILLIP, who’s main purpose in life will continue to consist of EATING, SLEEPING & SHITTING…in 2023! 😼😼😼😽😽😽😽😽�